Many people think miracles all have to be like the parting of the Red Sea or Jesus walking on water or other spectacular events. If that's all you count as a miracle, you will be sorely disappointed in the Lord's attention to your life.
Fortunately, that definition of "miracle" is complete crap. Miracles happen all the time. My life has been full of them. I'm sure more will happen, and I will be grateful for them as I have been grateful for the ones I have received.
The most useful definition of a miracle is "an occurence that simply could not have happenned without God's intervention". It doesn't have to be a supernatural occurence - it could be as simple as a wrong turn that helps you avoid a car accident.
As for me, miracles were definitely involved for me to have the wife and job that I do. Sally was (and still is) a short woman older than me with kids - three big flippin' strikes at the time I met her... but I fell in love with her anyway. My current job was at a family-owned small construction business that wears its Christianity on its sleeve - another road I'd been down in the past that I'd promised myself I'd never go down again... but I took the job anyway. I am very satisfied with my lot in life and my place with The Lord - the greatest gift a man can receive, which I would be without if I'd listened to my stubborn self.
Those are the biggest miracles in my life - I neither deserve nor accept any credit for taking those actions. It was all God using me as a meat puppet very much against my will. Needless to say, I'm much more receptive to His guidance these days.
If you think back in your life, you're bound to find a few things you did that you wouldn't normally do (and I don't mean at band camp or Mardi Gras... I mean everyday important stuff) that turned out to be one of the better decisions you've ever made. Well, stop patting yourself on the back, Monkey-In-Pants - those were miracles. Just because your miracle won't get you your own book of the Bible doesn't make it any less miraculous, so give the credit where it is due.
Thank you for saying that my best and dearest friend has been one of your miracles in life. And at the risk of adding a bit of levity, I might point out that if you hadn't met her, you wouldn't have met us and we wouldn't have met you. That would have been decidedly unmiraculous for all concerned.....