Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Post #0 - The point of this blog

A few years ago, I came back to the Lord after a couple-odd decades shunning Him and making light of His believers. Jesus doesn't make mistakes, so there must be some reason he hasn't let me slip off the edge of mortality - no matter how many times my behavior may have merited a holy butterfingers moment.

The easiest and quickest answer would be the most common people hear from Christians - because we are all within His grace, and I finally put my ludicrous and unmerited sense of pride aside to ask for it. Therefore I have become a part of The Great Commission - to bring as many people to the Lord as I possibly can.

Those who know me know that I am quite the sarcastic wise-cracking joker who is no stranger to the whole dictionary, as someone who has screwed up more than a power drill installing drywall ceilings, etc. All is true - past, present, and very likely future. The good part is that Jesus has a history of appointing such human dregs to further His message.

My deep, rich history of sin, cynicism, and worldly proclivities actually makes me a much more effective ambassador for many of the people He's trying to reach than the popular image of a pious priestly-type. I speak the language, I know the temptations, I have fallen in the same pits and very likely will again. I - in short - am a dumbass. But I'm Jesus's dumbass now - and maybe some of you dumbasses will want to join me.

1 comment:

  1. Carl, i look forward to reading these posts. You have a talent to putting thought to word and i anticipate some very good reading material here!
