Friday, August 10, 2012

Post #15 - Scripture as a Weapon

Stop that.  Just bloody stop it.  Both sides.  Everybody.  Just friggin' stop using scripture as a weapon!

Pick any hot-button issue: Conservatives will quote some scriptures to justify their beliefs.  Moderates will use other scripture, and Liberals yet even more scripture (and by Conservative, Moderate, and Liberal I refer to one's standing in Christianity, not politics).  Non-Christians will either point at all the Christians who disagree with each other while reading from the same book, or whip out some OT scripture that was done away with in the New Covenenant (shellfish being an abomination and stoning disobedient children are favorites, usually) to discredit Christian opinion.

All are well within their rights to do so.  All are also making themselves look like myopic dingleberries.  The Word of God is immense, all-encompassing, and impossible for our tiny little monkey brains to apply with 100% accuracy - this is why we all need His grace for salvation.

Example:  There is a verse in Deuteronomy which says any non-virgin who gets married is to be put to death, yet in Hosea (still in the Old Testament, mind you) God himself instructs Hosea to marry a prostitute.  Inconsistent?  Hypocritical? Try progressive.

Yes, the Word of God is progressive!  Back in the Deuteronomy days, humans were quite stupid and needed stark and simple rules with clearly delineated consquences (costs, benefits, rewards and punishments).  As time moved on through the OT, God would on occasion ask some of his prophets to do what would be considered blasphemous by the established leaders (or in Hosea's case, even against His own written law) to serve as an example of man's progress throuh God.

God cannot break God's law, He can only rewrite it, which is obviously what He did with Hosea.  He later sent Jesus to turn Old Law on its head by establishing the New Covenant which is composed of two parts: (1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and spirit, and (2) Love your neighbor as you would love yourself.

Why would God do this?  Because He only gives us as much freedom/responsibility as He knows we can handle at one time.  Had He opened with The New Covenant, those Deuteronomy-days mouth-breathers would have just humped each other all day long and only given praise to God during climax.  By establishing straightforward cause-and-effect dos-and-don'ts, He gave the Deuters a framework with which to move the culture of His chosen people ahead.  Of course, they still screwed it up, but they progressed much farther much faster than the rest of the world did.

As progress continued, God gave examples through leaders (a la Hosea) that it is time to shed some of the strictness and take the next step toward complex thought.  The New Covenant was a bloody quantum leap in freedom, so He in His wisdom gave us both the ultimate teacher in Jesus and the Holy Spirit as a guide, and that is where we are right now.

So let us Christians consult the Holy Spirit within to express what is right or wrong, sinful or blessed - some scripture flat out doesn't apply anymore, and the only way to know which verses are obsolete is through meditation and prayer. 

PRIVATE prayer!  Don't send me off on another rant...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Post #14 - Cats

Yes, you read that right. Cats.

I have four of them. I provide for them all their earthly needs (they're all indoor cats) - food, water, shelter, poop rocks, etc. - and all I ask of or expect from them is their love and affection.

Sometimes they tear stuff up and act like idiots. Sometimes they get angry with me - especially when I stop them from doing things they want to do that make perfect sense to them but tend to piss me off. But I recognize that they are just cats - their brains can't comprehend logic at the more complex and nuanced human level - and I still love their silly furry butts even when they swat at and chew on me.

No matter how the day goes, where I go, or what I have to do that takes me away from the constant contact with the cats that they seem to both yearn for and spurn simultaneously, come Wine Time I will nigh-invariably find myself reflexively petting a purring furry lap tumor. Those twenty minutes or so a night where I connect so completely with the cats are some of the most precious of my day. Every day. I never get tired of it, and I feel a touch of sadness if a day goes by without it.

Such is the analogy I perceive for our relationship wih God. We are the cats - precocious, presumptuous, self-absorbed and simplistic, but in the end we seek the love and approval of God (who in this analogy is played by me - analogy nowhere near drawn to scale.) And I can't help but think that God, after watching us act like complete goobers, forgetting his instructions, neglecting his guidance, and even sometimes out-and-out spiting Him, joyfully accepts the lot of it so He gets that time of day where He connects with us on the couch.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Post #13 - Church

Church is very important. For my family and myself, our time at church is about as close to observing Sabbath as we can come in today's 24-7 world.

Church is also the only place in modern society where you can sit in a large building with bunches of other people for an hour or so and just reflect upon, contemplate, and ponder God and be fairly certain that everybody else is doing the same. Belonging is kind of nice.

Church is also a place where you're nigh but certain to run into other people struggling to live the life the Lord asks us to live - and are comfortable enough with the inherent fumbles and foibles to discuss them with you. Fellowship is a nice thing, too.

I recommend a non-denominational church, primarily because Jesus was non-denominational. Also, some denominations tend to have rituals and rites that kind of make you feel left out of the club if you can't pick up on them - and that can be hard to get past in order to get to the message. Non-denominationals tend to have less of a learning curve on that front, so you can get to knowing Jesus faster.

Non-denominationals also tend to have parishoners with more varied points of view regarding Scripture and how Jesus affects their lives. I for one am very willing to hear from all parties willing to talk. God is huge -trying to put Him into a narrow set of parameters says more about you than it does Him.

Besides, have you ever tried to put a 20-pound animal in an 8-pound box? It doesn't work well, and all you'll do is honk off the animal. (Well, maybe not cats. Cats love boxes. But it's just an illustration - hopefully you get what I'm saying here...)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Post #12 - Politics

Well, I guess I broke the seal on this one with the whole gay marriage topic, so what do you say we flesh this out a bit?

I shall open by saying this: Were somebody to put a gun to my head and say "Choose a political party right now or I'll shoot you," my response would be "Shoot." In the interest of full disclosure I thought it best to let you know that on the red-blue spectrum, I run about as purple as Barney's buttcheeks.

Earthly government is necessary, and as long as we are earthbound subjects we should heed our earthly governments in every way that does not enter territory that God clearly marked as his own. Jesus himself upheld that concept - he went through the Roman court system, was tried and found guilty by a Roman-sanctioned Jewish judge, and served the government-sanctioned punishment of crucifixion. If The One we are to emulate subjected Himself to an earthly death sentence for violating earthly law, then you do not have Leg One to stand on about your parking ticket. Pay it, shut up, move on.

Participation in government is also critical for Christians - voting, volunteering, even running for office are laudable political activities for Christians. But one thing we must always remember - subject your Christian principles to no one. Not to slick ads attempting to influence your vote. Not to poll services in order to get elected. Not to lobbyists if you get in office. Not to party politics in order to keep your job. Nobody.

God is first. Pray before you make any political decision, either as voter or office-holder. Always remember that Jesus was put to earthly death for speaking God's truth instead of what the political powers-that-be wanted to hear. Again, if Our Lord and Savior is willing to hang for days while nailed to wood until He suffocated under the weight of His own organs, abdicating your position in City Council when policy clearly contradicts God's direction is a no-brainer.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Post #11 - Gay Marriage

By my beliefs, I do not support gay marriage as it instiutionalizes a sinful lifestyle. However, I don't feel it should be expressly outlawed by secular governments unless that government can find a valid, secular reason to outlaw it. (SPOILER: They can't... so please stop trying.)

So long as a government is secular in structure and statute it has no business passing laws based on religious principle. Said government also has absolutely no right to force churches to sanctify marriages contrary to their beliefs based on the same "separation of church and state" concept.

Therefore, if a secular goverment finds no issue with marrying gay people to each other, let it knock itself out. There are secular heterosexual mariages, so secular homosexual marriages shouldn't be too much of a big deal.

However, if a gay couple should ask an officer of a church to perform a wedding ceremony and that officer refuses on religious principal, it ends there. No lawsuits, no picketing, no glitterbombs... just go to the flippin' Mayor's office. It's just as legal from the Mayor as it is from a priest or pastor, and legal is all you're going to get.

For a house of the Lord to sanctify a gay marriage would necessitate the sanctification of sin. That flat-out can't happen. No officer of the Lord can ratify what God Himself rebukes. You may as well tell B'nai Brith that they're on the hook to host a BLT-eating contest.

Earthly government is just that... and that's where its authority ends.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Post #10 - Relativism

We all find ourselves thinking "I will never be as good as that person... but at least I'm better than this dingleberry." We shouldn't, because such thoughts smack of relativism, and relativism is bunk.

God is infinite and absolute. When one is infinite and absolute, one doesn't arse oneself with scorekeeping - something is or it ain't.

Sins are sins. All sins are abominations in the eyes of the Lord, from intentionally short-changing a busy and inattentive customer at Starbucks to murdering a busload of nuns.

Sinners are sinners. All have fallen short in the eyes of the Lord. From your own grandmother to your church deacons to criminals on death row, all the way down to politicians in Washington - all have sinned. (I know this, because all have been six years old on Easter and/or Halloween and giddily blown past his or her parents' limit on candy consumption.)

Therefore, we are all scum. Myself included. Wretched, befouled dung-crawlers unworthy to see the light of the sun. All of us. No exceptions.

However, redemption is redemption. For those of us who have truly taken the Lord Jesus into our hearts as our savior, He declares us clean and worthy. Even goobers like me who continually sin even after coming to the Lord are perfectly forgiven recipients of His grace and mercy.

I am clean. As is everybody who calls Jesus Lord with his or her soul as well as mouth.

And we're all just as clean. Forgiven is forgiven. My pastors are no more forgivener than I am, nor am I the most forgivenest meat puppet in the room right now - we are all forgiven. Done.

Thus, noone is better than you, nor are you better than anyone in the eyes of the Lord. Infinity works like that. Salvation is in truth a pass/fail course.

But studying is still a good idea.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Post #9 - Big Bang Theory

Well, heck... I may as well just get this out of the way early.

I like science. I believe science. I love and believe God as well. And yes I can do both.

Let's look one of at the hottest, most divisive issues between the religious and scientific communities: Creationism vs The Big Bang.

Look at the progression of creation in Genesis 1. God said "Let there be light" and there was... how is that any different than the Big Bang Theory? Day Two - continents and oceans form. Day Three - Vegetation. Day Four - Stability of the earth's rotation. Day Five - Fish and birds. Day Six - Meat! This progression parallels the theorized physical progression the bulk of your astrophysicists propose, only the scentific community measures this progression in billions of years rather than six days.

But who is to say how long these "days" were during the creation? It wasn't until Day Four that days, nights and seasons were established and regulated (which I called "Stability of the earth's rotation" above), so the 24-hour standard of a day is not particularly likely.

The Bible had to be written so humans could understand it. Early humans understood "days" - "epochs" were a bit above them. Days, like epochs, have beginnings and ends with busy, shiny parts in the middle, so calling these epochs "days" makes sense. The Bible is full of inexact parallels to aid dipshits like us wrap our puny brains around larger concepts - why not open with one?